Mid to High-Speed Wrap Machinery

Mid to High-Speed Wrap Machinery


Mid to high-speed wrap machinery for your complex multi-packing operation. Graphic Packaging International can provide value through our fully automated, continuous motion wrap multipack machinery systems where you can create economical paperboard wrap cartons using the market’s strongest lock.

Mid-Speed Marksman™750

Our mid-speed wrap multipack machinery system line is ideal for moderate speeds, packaging multiple diameters and heights of cans or glass and plastic bottles in basic over the crown or neck through wraps.


  •  Depending on the pitch, anywhere between 125 ppm and 240 ppm

High-Speed Marksman™ Line

The capabilities, flexibility and performance of our high-speed Marksman™  wrap multipack machinery system line provides improved performance efficiencies. Our three options, the Marksman™750HS, Marksman™X5 and the Marksman™1600HSi are fast, efficient and flexible. While the Marksman™750HS and Marksman™1600HSi only work for cans, the Marksman™X5 works for cans, glass and PET bottles.


  •  Between 200 ppm and 400 ppm*
    *Dependent upon the pitch


Download the Marksman™ X5 Brochure

Download the Marksman™ 750HS Brochure


Watch the Marksman 1600HSI Video